Dear Sand Lake Families,
The Sand Lake staff would like to welcome you to the 2023-2024 school year! We’re so excited to be celebrating the 25th school year at Sand Lake! We’ll be celebrating throughout the year with various activities and events along with reflecting on a longstanding vision at Sand Lake of being Dedicated to Excellence!
We’ve also transitioned to a fully online newsletter format. Contained within this newsletter, you’ll find some updates, dates, and information needed to start the school year. Our school office will send this newsletter on a regular basis so that you are aware of key events and information happening at Sand Lake. As with past school years, timely information will still come through in individual eblasts. If you are concerned that you aren’t receiving this communication, please reach out to Lonie Frederickson at
Upcoming Events:
Back to School Night
On Tuesday, August 29th, we’ll hold Back to School Night. During this time, you’ll be able to meet your child’s classroom teacher, drop off school supplies, and get prepared for the school year! Our amazing PTG has once again arranged to have several food trucks at Sand Lake. Please feel free to stay with your family and purchase a meal from one of our vendors! We’re excited to have a great back to school celebration!
Kindergarten Families
Kindergarten families, please note that your child will have an introductory conference with their teacher on September 1st, 2023. Your scheduled orientation time was given to you on picture day. Schedules were mailed to students that were unable to attend picture day. Please reach out to your teacher if you have any questions.
For Kindergarten families, our PTG will also be holding Kindergarten Popsicle Playdate on Sunday August 27th from 3:00 - 4:00 pm. Kindergarten students and their families are welcome to come for a popsicle and spend some time with others on the playground!
1st-5th Grade Students
The Board of Education for the School District of Holmen has officially established Friday, September 1st as the first day of school. The school day at Sand Lake is from 8:40-3:40. We are so excited to begin in a couple of short weeks and can't wait to see our Sand Lake students!
Family Involvement
Parent Teacher Group (PTG)
A key component of a successful learning community is the relationship between families and school. The PTG is instrumental in organizing opportunities for Sand Lake Students and Staff. Here are just a few of them:
Transportation costs for field trips
Birthday book program funding
Teacher mini grants
Breakfast buddies
5th Grade bash
One time expenses such as buddy benches, bike racks, and the Gaga ball pit; and recent purchases like our under construction volleyball net/court
Many of our PTG members have served their terms and their children are nearing the end of their time in elementary school. We are actively seeking new members, for a minimal time commitment. Getting new members will be paramount in the sustainability of the PTG moving forward. If you would like to learn more and become involved in the PTG, please contact our PTG President at
Your Involvement
Communication between home and school is essential for student success. In addition to newsletters, grade level memoranda, assignment notebooks, meetings, e-mails, and telephone conversations, the Sand Lake staff is extending to you a year-long invitation to visit the school. This may include attending student programs, eating lunch with your child(ren), and/or volunteering. Your partnership in the educational process is extremely valuable.
Transportation Updates
In May, the School District of Holmen communicated about transportation updates that included Sand Lake Elementary. We have been busy installing sidewalks and enhancing our safety procedures to prepare for these changes. If you have any questions about your child’s eligibility for transportation, we encourage you to contact the transportation department at 608.526.4752. If you have any questions about safety procedures at Sand Lake, please contact the main office at 608-781-0974.
Even if you are not directly impacted by the changes, you should be aware that more Sand Lake students will be walking to school. Please drive safe, stay alert, and review the below information to best understand the changes.
Happy 25th year of school to all of you who are a part of the Sand Lake community. We’re excited to partner and celebrate this year alongside each of you. We’re excited to see our Sand Lake students, staff, and families work together this year in our 25th year of excellence!
Mr. Meyers