Tuesday, December 12, 2023


Sand Lake 







From the Principal’s Desk


The season of giving is upon us and it is a great opportunity to reflect on the wonderful things that we have accomplished this past year. As a Sand Lake staff, we want to thank you for partnering with us to provide the best educational experience for our students. The time, attention, and thoughtfulness you give to your child and our school during this season and always is ever appreciated!


As Principal, I never take for granted the opportunity to observe classrooms all across the building, in every different grade level. It’s wonderful to see students working in large groups, working with each other and working closely with our teachers and educational assistants. In each different scenario, our students and staff are living our mission of being Dedicated to Excellence!


We also want to take time to thank those of you that were able to attend our Breakfast Buddies program, recent concerts with our 2nd and 4th graders, or a specific classroom event. Partnering with our families, and developing our sense of the Sand Lake community is paramount to our student’s success! Thank you!


We hope that you each have the time you need to enjoy the season with your family. On behalf of the office staff at Sand Lake, we send you warm holiday wishes!

In Partnership,

Matt Meyers

Art Room News from Mrs. Staige

The elementary art show at the Pump House Regional Art Center is November 16th – January 6.  The artists’ reception open house will be on Wednesday, December 13th from 3:30 – 6:00 p.m.  The show will be featuring student’s artwork from Sand Lake, Viking, Evergreen and Prairie View.  Congratulations to all of the following artists that were selected for the art show!

Kindergarten:  Jamie Burge

First Grade:  Stella Towne and Atli Damrow

Second Grade:  Brekkin Wood, Scarlett Stanton, Ashlyn Myers, Ellie Tippetts, Chloe Aspenson, Charlotte Ikert, Christian Ekern, Aideen McNeil and Bretlynn Hoffman

Third Grade:  Grace Wiemerslage, Ella Miller, Lou Fischer, Mila Witt, Brienna Maland and Peyton Dworshak

Fourth Grade:  Serenity Westerman, Caiden Ikert, Mina Lambert, Madelyn Buchheit, Brielle Rupert and Fiona Bliss

Fifth Grade:  Clara Faron, Tayte Gnewikow, Ivan Tierney, Amelia Houdek, Grady Tauscher, Gio Lethlean, Jed Waters, Adelynn Otto, Lauren Griffith and Henry Berg


Early Release Reminder

As a friendly reminder, there will be an early release day on Wednesday, December 13 in order to provide professional development opportunities for staff.  School will be dismissed at 1:40 p.m.


Educational Assistants EXTRA

Each month our Educational Assistants will be sharing useful information and tips.

v  The earliest drop off time in the morning is 8:10 a.m., unless you are enrolled in the Surround Care program       through the YMCA.

v  We ask that you do not leave your car running while unattended, especially if you are coming into the building.

v  Parents-please make sure Kindergarten and 1st Grade students are prepared to dress themselves. This includes zipping and tying articles of clothing.

v  Extra gloves/mittens are a great idea.


The La Crosse County Farm2School program is a collaboration between public school districts in La Crosse County and the La Crosse County Health Department. The Farm2School program provides student opportunities for health and nutrition education. Each month, one locally-grown produce item is selected as the Farm2School "Harvest of the Month". December’s “Harvest of the Month” is winter squash.

Health Office News

Nurse: Emily Hanes RN, BSN

Health Aide: Annette Hundt

From the Health Office:

Nurse: Emily Hanes BSN, RN


When to Keep Your Child Home:

1.  Any temperature of 100 degrees or higher requires exclusion from school.  If your child is requiring Tylenol  or Ibuprofen to keep the fever down, they should stay home.  They should be fever free for at least 24 hours without the use of medication to maintain a normal temperature.

2.  Cold symptoms, serious enough to interfere with the child’s ability to learn. 

3.  If your child has diarrhea and/or vomiting, keep them home until their bodies have had time to recover.  Sometimes, children return too early and end up having a relapse or infecting more students. 

4.  Coughing that causes difficulty breathing, moderate to severe chest pain and/or vomiting.

5.  Headache severe enough to interfere with learning.

6.  Abdominal pain accompanied by elevated temperature, vomiting, or diarrhea.

7.  Sore throat serious enough to interfere with swallowing or accompanied by a fever or rash. 

8.  Pink eye-if fever is present, behavior changes, or unable to avoid touching the eyes.

9.  Certain bacterial conditions which are prescribed an antibiotic, such as strep throat and impetigo, require a student to be on the antibiotic for 24 hours prior to returning to school.  

10. Unknown rash.


Hearing and Vision Screenings:  Almost all the hearing  screenings have been completed. We hope to have The Lion’s Club come in December to complete vision screenings for students in EC, 4K, K, 1st, 3rd, and 5th. No dates are currently set at this time. If there were any concerns with the screenings, a text message or a letter will be sent home to notify.  Feel free to contact the health office if you have any questions about your child’s vision and/or hearing.

Kidz  Klozet

A HUGE thank you to Jessica Stanton, for helping us again.  She reorganized and took inventory on our winter gear. We are STOCKED with winter gear, so please contact us or stop in for boots, jackets, mittens, hats, or snow pants!

 Any questions, please contact us at: 




Musical Notes from Mrs. Heerts

This January in Music we will be focusing on the following musical elements:

Kindergarten: Tempo and melodic direction

First grade: Matching pitch and rhythm composition; beginning of program preparation

Second grade: Music terms, instruments of the orchestra:

Third Grade: Instruments of the orchestra and line and space names of the treble clef; beginning of program preparation

Fourth grade: Ukulele introduction and playing

Fifth grade: Ukulele continuation and rhythm composition; beginning of program preparation

All students will also be singing seasonal songs and movement activities.


No School December 25 – January 2  

School will not be in session from Monday, December 25 through Monday, January 1. Classes will resume on Tuesday, January 2.  Enjoy the winter break!

Parent Teacher Group (PTG) News

Greetings from Sand Lake Parent Teacher Group! Thank you again for the continued support you have

shown to our PTG. Through SCRIP fundraising and donations, we have been able to support our students

and staff in many ways including: supplementing transportation costs for field trips, funding the birthday

book program, enhancing our playground equipment, providing needed winter supplies and more.

We are very happy to announce that we have recently filled the officer positions.


Here is what our newest members would like to share with you:


President – I’ve been a part of the Sand Lake school system since 2014 – almost 10 years now! Our

youngest is in 2nd grade and we also have an 8th grader at HMS and a freshman at HHS. I work at GHS

Hospice with a background in grief counseling and family systems. I’m hoping to support PTG and our

family and school relationships especially through volunteer development. – Beth Allen


Vice President – With a background in youth organizations, I’m here to lend my support to students,

families, school staff and teachers in whatever way I can. Currently I manage the county 4-H program

and our twins are in Kindergarten at Sand Lake. I’m looking forward to getting more involved in our

school community through PTG! – Em Crook


Secretary – We have two boys in 5th grade and 1st grade at Sand Lake. I work at River Architects in La

Crosse as their business manager, and in my free time I enjoy gardening, reading, and cheering on the

Minnesota Twins. I’m excited to be a part of PTG and support our learning community. – Emily Staed


Treasurer – I am a manager with JRMCPAs, and we currently have a 3rd grader at Sand Lake along with

two younger girls, ages 4 and 3.  I joined the PTG in an effort to become more involved with the school

and with hopes of enhancing the relationship between parents and school staff. – Betsy Jessie


Please mark your calendars and join us for our upcoming meetings on: Jan. 8, Feb. 5, Mar. 4, Apr. 1 and

May 6 (from 6-7:00 pm in the Sand Lake Conference Room). You can also find more information on the Sand

Lake website (click on Parents, then Sand Lake PTG) or contact us with any questions at

sandlakeptg@gmail.com. Happy holidays! #SandLakeProudPTG ***


                 Emily Crook, Matt Meyers, Betsy Jessie, Beth Allen, Emily Stead


Physical Education:  Sneaker News from Mr. Fredrick

Wow, time is flying in PE!  In our shortened month of December, 4th-5th grade students will be completing their net/wall game unit where we will be ending with a paddle ball tournament.  We will be anxiously waiting to see what snow we will get in hopes to start our cross-country unit following our winter break.  2nd and 3rd graders will be learning about jump roping and the benefits of being physically active every day.  K-1 students will get a chance to learn how to choose the right jump rope and how to start turning and jumping with the rope safely.  Before the end of break, we also will have a day where all students get a PE day where we have many different winter stations to try.  Make sure to ask your student the last week before break what their favorite winter station was this year!


Winter Weather

Now that the winter weather is not too far away, the staff would like to remind you that students will be going outside when temperatures/conditions permit (see winter recess guidelines listed below).  Please make certain your children are dressed appropriately for the weather (i.e. scarves, hats, mittens, snow pants, and boots).  If they are not to go outside because of medical reasons, please send a note to their teachers.

*Parents sending notes may be requested to send a physician's statement after one day of indoor recess.


Winter Recess Guidelines (in effect every day)

Students will go outside when the temperature is 1 degree or above
Students will stay indoors when the temperature is O degrees or below or when the wind chill is o degrees or below

rom all of us at Sand Lake Elementary!  Thank you for making 2023 a great year!  We look forward to working with you throughout 2024.  Enjoy the Holidays!