Monday, February 5, 2024

  Sand Lake School’s February Newsletter 

From the principal’s desk…

Sand Lake Families:

I hope that you have been able to enjoy this preview of spring weather we’ve gotten to start February! Having this nice weather has afforded us much time outside during recesses and class special events, and helps in the midst of what sometimes can be a long winter!

There are also many special events and opportunities happening for our students throughout February. I wanted to highlight a few of our important dates:

·       February 7th: Global School Play Day!

o   The goal of GSPD is to let children explore their creativity, problem-solving skills, and social interactions in an unstructured and spontaneous environment.

o   Our teachers will be facilitating environments where students will have an opportunity to let their talents shine!

·         February 8th: 100th Day of School!

o   Different classrooms may mark this occasion with celebrations and events.

o   Congratulations to all of our students for making it to this point in the school year!

·         February 14th: Early Release Day

·         February 19th: No School for Staff and Students

·         Throughout the month of February, our Drama Club is also gearing up for their play. The final production will be in March!

With these and other special events taking place throughout the rest of the school year, I hope that you have an opportunity to be at our school celebrating alongside your child. We value your partnership in your child’s education. If you are ever interested in volunteering, please pursue approval through our Volunteer Application Process.

Finally, I close with a note of gratitude. As I’ve been fortunate enough to be at Sand Lake for a full year now, I’ve gotten to meet and talk with so many of you. The culture at Sand Lake is one of a kind and a testament to the students, families, and staff.  If you ever have any questions or would like to connect, please don’t hesitate to email ( or call 608.781.0974 ext. 3110. 

Matt Meyers


Art Room News from Mrs. Staige

Students will continue to create 3-dimensional art this month. Clay, paper sculpture, paper mache and so much more! Students are learning about form and how to create length, width and height.  Students are studying form by looking all around us and learning how to view art from all sides


Early Release Reminder

As a friendly reminder, there will be an early release day on Wednesday, February 14, in order to provide professional development opportunities for staff.  School will be dismissed at 1:40 p.m. 

Educational Assistants EXTRA
Although the snow is melting, the playgrounds are still wet so we want to remind you that students will need to wear boots and snow pants to help keep them dry. Students who are not wearing boots and snow pants will remain on the blacktop during recess. With this, please remind your child to pack a pair of shoes to wear inside during the day. Your child is also welcome to keep a pair of shoes at school.

 Reminder - Student drop-off is from 8:10 - 8:35, students are expected to be ready and in the classroom by 8:40.

Farm 2 School
The La Crosse County Farm2School program is a collaboration between public school districts in La Crosse County and the La Crosse County Health Department. The Farm2School program provides student opportunities for health and nutrition education. Each month, one locally grown produce item is selected as the Farm2School "Harvest of the Month".  February’s “Harvest of the Month ” is chili.

Four-Year Old Kindergarten (4K) Registration
The School District of Holmen will begin accepting enrollment for the 2024-25 Four-Year-Old Kindergarten (4K) Program soon.  Any child who is four-years-old on or before September 1, 2024 and lives in the school district boundaries is eligible to participate. We encourage early registration in order to help us plan accordingly for the 2024-25 school year.

Note: All enrollment is done online–

Important 4K Information:

· 4K classes are currently held at Viking Elementary School

· AM Session: 8:15 a.m.—11:00 a.m.

· PM Session: 11:45 a.m.—2:30 p.m.

· Placement in AM or PM session is based upon transportation needs.  We notify families of class placements during the first week of August.

Health Office News

Nurse: Emily Hanes, RN, BSN
Health Aide: Annette Hundt

With hat season upon us, I would like to bring to your attention the possible spreading of head lice. Good head hygiene habits are essential. If your child complains of an itchy scalp, we encourage you to check your children’s heads for the presence of any lice or nits. Head to head contact is the most common form of transmission. Lice do not jump or fly from head to head, but crawl. Articles such as combs, brushes, helmets, towels, pillowcases, hats, or other head coverings also aid in the spread of head lice. Please discourage your child from sharing these personal items. There is a rumor that “Super Lice” are present. This is due to lice being resistant to head lice brands that have been around for many years. Just like how some antibiotics aren’t as effective due to over use, the same thing is happening with head lice treatments. Prescription shampoo treatments are also available from your doctor. Other alternative treatments include mayonnaises, olive oil, and coconut oil to the head, covered with a shower cap or cling wrap for 8 hours to suffocate the lice. We do not recommend putting your child to bed with this on their head due to the risk of suffocation. Nits (eggs) have to be either combed or picked out of the hair. Also deep cleaning of the home and the classroom is required to prevent re-infestation, or infestation of others. All couches, car seats, mattresses, and flooring needs to be vacuumed. The vacuum bag must be thrown out after vacuuming or they may crawl out. Sheets must be washed daily and placed in the dryer for drying for at least 30 minutes. Anything that cannot be laundered must be placed in plastic garbage bags and let to sit for two weeks or longer if lice and nits are still present. When checking for nits, if it removes easily from the hair, it is not a nit. Nits are attached by a strong glue to the hair shaft, about one to two inches from the scalp. Lice can live 1-2 days on a surface without a human host. They live about a month on the scalp, and the female louse can lay 6 eggs (nits) a day.

     If you believe your child has head lice, PLEASE contact the health office for assistance in treatment. Your child will need to be checked for the presence of lice and nits before returning to class.  The school district currently has a no lice or nit policy. A student should only miss one day of school due to the presence of head lice and nits.


For more information please refer to the CDC website 

Kidz Klozet

We have plenty of clothing items for all seasons. Please contact us if you have any questions. Also, we are taking donations for waterproof gloves or mittens! Thank you. 


Any questions, please contact us at:    

Musical Notes from Mrs. Heerts
This February 2024 in Music we will be focusing on the following musical elements:

Kindergarten: Introduction to instruments of the orchestra; matching pitch; melodic direction; concert preparation
1st: Concert preparation; seasonal songs and activities; instruments of the orchestra
2nd: Instruments of the orchestra, reads and creates rhythm patterns
3rd: Concert preparation and Symphony Orchestra preparation, note reading
4th: Beginning recorder, note reading/note values/terminology
5th: Concert preparation, note reading/note values/terminology

Upcoming Concert Dates:
March 7 - 1st grade 6 p.m. and  5th grade 7 p.m.
March 19 - Kindergarten 6 p.m. and 3rd grade 7 p.m.

Thank you for supporting music education!

No School
On Monday, February 19, 2024, there will be no school for students in the School District of Holmen.

Physical Education - Sneaker News from Mr. Fredrick
What a weird month of weather this past month and the impact it had on PE for our 4th-5th grade students.  Unfortunately, we were not able to utilize the snow we got for cross country skiing due to cold temperatures, a quick warm up, and rain.  Two classes were able to explore cross country skiing for one day, but we hope that we will get snow towards the end of February to get back out again and  enjoy the Wisconsin winters!  Starting on February 8th, all K-5 students will be participating in a gymnastics unit that will run for the remainder of the month.  Students will get a chance to experience using the climbing rope, cargo net, balance beams, parallel bars, wedge mats, and more.  Make sure to ask your student(s) what the enjoyed most about this unit!  I highly encourage you to take advantage of this unseasonably warm weather and challenge your student(s) to get outside after school and play!

                         President’s Day  February 19, 2024

School District Open Enrollment
Wisconsin’s inter-district public school open enrollment program allows parents to apply for their children to attend school districts other than the one in which they live.  Students in 5-year old kindergarten to grade 12 may apply to participate in open enrollment.  Open enrollment for pre-kindergarten, 4-year old kindergarten and early childhood education is limited.  Parents should call their resident school districts to find out if their preschool-aged children qualify for open enrollment. The Open Enrollment application period for the 2024-2025 School year is from February 5 - April 30, 2024.  Parents must apply to the nonresident district.  A nonresident district is defined as the district you do not live in, but where you want your child to attend.

It is recommended that you apply for open enrollment through the on-line application process at  The open enrollment application period closes at 4:00 p.m. on April 30, 2024.  Late applications will not be accepted for any reason.  

If you have any questions regarding open enrollment, please contact Courtney Wilson, Open Enrollment Coordinator for the School District of Holmen, and Student Services Department at 608-526-1309.

2024 Elementary Summer School                  

July 8 – 25, 2024                                

Evergreen Elementary 

New this year: 

Families determine whether to register for summer school. There will be no staff recommendations to attend Summer School. 

Registration for ALL students will occur on the same date for Incoming Kindergarten (Ready, Set, Let’s Learn Class) through Grade 5 students. 

The Registration Date is April 9, 2024. Mark your calendars now! 

The Registration link will be emailed to families who are within our student information system, Infinite Campus, as well as those in our Census School.

The Registration link will also be available on the School District of Holmen website under Families - Summer School - Elementary Summer School - Registration Link. 

Parents will register their children online for the grade level they will be going into during the upcoming fall. 

Friendly Reminders about Registration: 

      ➔ All ENROLLMENT occurs on a first-come, first-served basis for each grade level.

              ◆ There are NO summer classes available for students going into 4K during the fall of 2024. 

We have limited space and staff availability, so even if you register your child for summer school, they are not considered ENROLLED until you receive notification from us that they receive one of the spots in their grade level. 

Once spaces are filled, we place students on a waiting list for their grade level.

By April 30th, we will notify all families whether their child is enrolled or if they have been placed  on the waiting list for their grade level. 

If a space becomes available in a grade level, we contact the first person on the waiting list. There is not a space available if you do not hear from us. 

Additional Information regarding Elementary Summer School classes, transportation, and breakfast, etc. will be included in the March Newsletter. 

Contact Information

Sue Eitland, Elementary Summer School Principal 608.526.3316 

Kim Edwards, Executive Director of Instructional Services 608.526.1311 

Jill Mason, Executive Director of Student Services 608.526.1308 

School District of Holmen ~ Belong. Serve. Succeed.

Virtual Backpack
The School District of Holmen has implemented a “green” approach for distributing flyers from community organizations, and has discontinued the process of sending paper flyers in your student's backpack, unless they are school related. The information is divided into three sections, by grade levels, and updated on a regular basis.

Click on this link: to be directed to the actual webpage which is housed in the COMMUNITY tab of the homepage.

Note that most of these advertisements are not district publications (unless marked). The District enables their online distribution as a community service to inform you of educational opportunities, activities and events available in our area.

Winter Recess Guidelines (in effect every day)

o   Students will go outside when the temperature is 1 degree or above

o   Students will stay indoors when the temperature is 0 degrees  or below or when the wind chill is 0 degrees or below