Friday, October 6, 2023

National School Lunch Week October 9-13

National School Lunch Week shines the spotlight on the programs and nutritious food served up every day throughout the school year. This week focuses on healthy food choices, balanced diets, and portion sizes. As always, the Nutrition Services staff takes great pride in their work and strives to provide the best meals possible. A well- balanced lunch is essential to learning. When children do not have to worry about an empty stomach, they can focus on their studies and what they need to learn. Students will be more successful and grow stronger. Make sure your students join us for lunch this week, as there will be a fun surprise each day with their lunch!


Sand Lake’s Food Service Department will be celebrating National School Lunch Week with some fun activities.

  •         Monday, October 9– Team Jersey Day
  •          Tuesday, October 10– Wear something “Food Themed” (t-shirt, hat, etc…)
  •          Wednesday, October 11– “Lucky Tray Day” at lunch
  •          Thursday, October 12- wear something “red” for Apple Crunch Day!  

Fire Prevention Week October 9-13      

Fire prevention presentations by Holmen Fire Department are being held in each classroom at Sand Lake during Fire Prevention Week (October 9-13, 2023).  These presentations help educate everyone about important actions they can take to keep themselves safe.


Allow us to help you with some safety tips:

1.    Start a home fire escape plan.

2.    Practice it at least once a month.

3.    Install smoke detectors.                                                                                

4.    Change the battery in the smoke detectors twice a year.                                   

5.    Install fire extinguishers.

6.    Keep matches in a safe place.

7.    Cook safely.

8.    Never leave the stove unattended.

9.    Read and help us teach your children about fire safety!


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